The Great Night of Shiva: The Young Worshipper, 2020
Melattingal SIVA Temple, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
On the occasion of Shivratri, devotees across India flock to temples for worship on this momentous night that celebrates the Lord Shiva and his meeting with his mate, Parvati. (also known as Shakti). Indian festivals are known for traditions and rituals, feasting and the wearing of fine clothes. Females may wear saris and men wear dhotis, a kind of loose trouser, the male equivalent of a sarong. When one thinks of India a medley of patterns and paisleys may come to mind but in the state of Kerala, a very restrained white linen with gold trim is worn on special occasions. It is believed that the pure white color is used to contrast the deep green flora of Kerala, unlike in Rajasthan where bold colors contrast with the monocolor of the desert. Here the youth sports the traditional garment that stands out from the bright yellow background. The entire feel to the Night of Shivratri is akin to a carnival but one of a religious order.
Archival Pigment Print